I\’d like to state the obvious…

Who decides who deserves life?
October 19, 2006, 3:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Day before last I was talking with a woman at work, I’ll call her Taylor, about abortion.  She made it very clear to me that she was pro-choice.  I asked her why and she said “Because I don’t want the government telling me what I can and can’t do to my body.”

Taylor had to take fertility drugs in order to become pregnant and as a result she ended up with triplets.  She made an off handed comment about downgrading her babies if she were to become pregnant with more than four.  I had never heard of “downgrading” so I asked her about it.  She said that when she first got on fertility her and her husband had decided that if she were to become pregnant with more than four babies then she would downgrade (aka murder, kill).  As in the doctors would take out the unwanted fetus’ and discard them or use them for stem cell research (which she fully supports).

Her reason for possible downgrading was because “after you are pregnant with quads your risk is significantly higher for disabilities among the babies.  It also very hard on the mother (a lot of this deals with the size of the woman as well, esp. height) to have triplets, much less quads or more. 

I told her that I had never talked to a handicapped person who wished they were dead or were in absolute misery.  They were always like that and that is how they live.  None of them would choose to take away their lives on account of a problem (if you would even call it that) that had occured in their birth.  I said that I thought that it wasn’t fair or right for us to pick who was more qualified for a happy life based on their physical makeup.  

She said that when I became a mother I might think differently because “you want the absolute best for your kids.  You want them to be normal and like everyone else and for them to have an easy life.” 

What do you say to something like that?  She flat out told me that she would choose to have healthy babies at the expense of other lives who Taylor had chosen as insufficient for the world.

I recently found out (thanks to Al Mohler) that we can now know if our babies will have Down Syndrome in utero.  Many are choosing to abort these “disabled” children.  This is saying to the child and to God that because the baby is unlike “us” it would live a terrible, miserable, unpreductive, unloving life.  It is saying that healthy persons are more suited for life than disabled persons.

This is a disgusting maiming of God’s creation and His plan for His people.  Christ did not turn away the crippled when they asked to be healed.  Nor did He kill them because their disabilty had caused them to have a hard life.  No.  Christ offered forgiveness of sins of which the healthy and the unhealthy are both guilty of and He made the dirty people clean (the healthy and unhealthy) based on their faith in Him.

The whole discussion made me sick to my stomach.  I was not as much filled with anger as I was a deep sadness.  A sadness for Taylor, for her lack of understanding of the eternal worth of a human soul.  And a sadness for the murdered children who will never get to be apart of this magnificent creation that the Lord Almighty has made for us and who will never share in the unimaginable hope and joy of knowing the One True and Living God.